Back to the internet writing world..
Several years ago, I was once a blogger. Some of you were kind enough to read my thoughts, stories, and words. Then without notice, I went silent for six years and during that time all the words on my 10-year-old blog vanished. My public voice may have been lost as well, but words still remained. And now it seems the right time to start again.
If you like to follow writers who specialize in organization, fashion, hip-hop, or dog-training. Well, you are not in the right place. I’m sure there are many great places out there for such information, but not here. If you like random or never knowing what you are going to get…Welcome!!
My husband says speaking with me is like suffering from conversational whiplash. But, hey, he has stuck with me for 17 years and seems to be doing fine. So, if you stick around you just might enjoy the revolving door of conversation topics.
Here are some topics I hope write about…
Truth-Seeker: Truth matters to me. And it should matter to you. But finding the truth isn’t always an easy task. Most of my life I have spent seeking for truth. Most of the truth about our world and our existence can be found in one enduring place, The Bible. Most of my seeking for truth has been in the pages of this book. Often, I will share truth as I learn and understand it as well as questions I have on my journey.
Storyteller: Since I was a young girl my nose could be found in a novel. I love a good story written on pages or other’s lips. I also tend to tell a tale of my own full of expression and embellished elaboration. Any embellishment is intended for the purpose of humor. You might just find a funny anecdote or a book recommendation here.
Home Baker-Ah…desserts-the sweetness of life. Who doesn’t love a sweet treat? If you don’t, please just keep that information to yourself. It’s too much for me to process how one doesn’t like chocolate! The self-taught baker looks for every opportunity plunk a handful of chocolate chips in some sort of batter. From time to time, I hope to share tid-bits from my baking journey from the feasts to the flops. If you're lucky, I may even share some of my recipes.
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